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Mathematics Course Placement Protocols

For Pupils Entering Grades 9

 Fall of 2016



The purpose of these protocols is to create a fair, objective, and transparent policy that serves pupils who are transitioning into mathematics courses in grades 9 at Centinela Valley Union High School District.  Beginning in the 2016-2017 school year, the District will implement the requirements of the California Mathematics Placement Act of 2015 to accurately evaluate and place pupils in appropriate mathematics courses.  The District will take into consideration the following multiple objective academic measures of pupil performance for the appropriate grade level:


Grade 9 Placement - Integrated Math I or Geometry


  1. Previous year’s mathematics course content and completion
  2. Teacher recommendation based upon classroom and/or local assessments and grades
  3. Final math grades on the official semester and/or end-of-year report card
  4. Standardized statewide mathematics assessment scores (ex. results from the 7th and 8th grade mathematics portions of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress – CAASPP)
  5. Results from diagnostics assessments administered within the first four weeks of the school year to ensure accurate pupil placement and to permit reevaluation of individual pupil progress
  6. For pupils transferring in from outside of the District after the first four weeks of the school year, academic records from previous school
  7. For pupils receiving special education services, input from the pupil’s IEP team


Public Reporting of Pupil’s Mathematics Performance


Pursuant to Section 51224.7 of the Education code, site administration will report annually to the Superintendent or his/her designee on the aggregate pupil placement data, demonstrating that all pupils are appropriately and fairly placed in mathematics courses based upon the multiple objective performance measures listed above.  This aggregate pupil placement data will be reported to the Board of Trustees annually.



Parent/Guardian and Pupil Recourse for Challenging Mathematics Placement

The District acknowledges the need to offer clear and timely resource for each pupil and his/her parent(s) or legal guardians(s) who question the pupil’s mathematics course placement.  The District enumerates the following remedial steps to be taken within 10 days of pupil’s initial course placement or placement decision upon reevaluation:


  1. Per parent/guardian’s written request, site administration may make available the outcomes from the objective multiple performance measures listed above.


  1. Per parent/guardian’s written request, the Superintendent or designee will review the mathematics course placement and shall decide whether or not to overrule the placement determination within 10 school days of receiving the written request.  If the placement determination is upheld, the parent/guardian will sign a waiver requesting that the pupil be placed in the next course in sequence, against the professional recommendation of site administration.  By meeting with a school counselor and/or site administrator and signing this waiver, parent/guardian will acknowledge and accept responsibility for requested placement.


Public Reporting of Mathematics Placement Policy

The District shall ensure that its mathematics placement policy is posted on its Internet website.


Inter-District Policy Consistency

This policy addresses the consistency between the high school mathematics course placements within the Centinela Valley Union High School District.  All efforts are made to ensure consistency with other high school districts into which pupils from the Centinela Valley Union High School District might matriculate.