Special Education » Health Services

Health Services





Is your child sick?

Contact Numbers

Report their absence online!



Hawthorne High

HAWTHORNE (spanish)

(310) 263-4445


(more info)

LAWNDALE (spanish)



Larch Adult Transition

LEUZINGER (spanish)

(310) 263-3277


(more info)

LLOYDE (spanish)



Lawndale High


(310) 263-3109


(more info)




Leuzinger High


(310) 263-2245


(more info)




Lloyde High


(310) 263-3265


(more info)





 CA State Bill 277 

  • Existing law prohibits the governing authority of a school or other institution from unconditionally admitting any person as a pupil of any public or private elementary or secondary school, child care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center, unless prior to his or her admission to that institution he or she has been fully immunized.
  • Parents or guardians of students in any school or child-care facility, whether public or private, will no longer be allowed to submit a personal beliefs exemption to a currently required vaccine.
  • Students will no longer be required to have immunizations for entry if they attend:
    • A home-based private school or
    • An independent study program with no classroom-based instruction.


Guide to Immunization Requirements for School Entry | Spanish


Vaccine Catch-up for Age 7+ Years


Shots for School Exemptions 



All Allergy Assessment, Action Plan, Care Plan

Asthma Action Plan  

Diabetes Action Plan

Diabetes Monitoring Log

Daily Log of Narcotic/Controlled Medications

Free or Low Cost Clinics

G-Tube Feeding Log 

Head Injury Form

Health Observation Report to Parents

Hearing Referral (spanish)

Hygiene Form

Meal Accommodation (spanish)

Medication Administration Sheet

Medication Disposal  

Medication During School Hours (spanish)

Medication Expiring Letter

Medication Return

Immunizations Needed (spanish)

Immunization Van Consent Form

Immunization Van Schedule

Lice Brochure (spanish)

Physical Education Exempt Form

Release of Information

School Incident Report

Seizure Action Plan

Seizure Health Plan and Emergency Plan

Seizure Event Form

Sickle Cell Care Plan

Sick Student Policy

Student Supply Checklist

Toileting and Diaper Change Log

Vision Consent Form.pdf